Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Racing Stripes

Five days before Christmas, I tore up my car while watching Billy the Beagle. As I backed up, the mirror failed its clearance of the side of the garage, and it was ripped off. And the side of the tattered, dilapidated old garage? It is just fine. Not even the slightest hint of red paint on it! Oh the injustice!

As for the bottom of the bumper...well, the "landscaping" of the neighbor's flower garden (and by landscaping, I mean a concrete block that is typically the foundation of homes these days) caught it and my bumper tore off as we slid helplessly in reverse due to the ice. Why the duct tape you ask? Well, when I took the car to the body shop to get an estimate, the bumper was sagging down and the wind was blowing hard enough that in order to have the car remain "safe to drive" a man named Herc (short for Hercules...well not based on looks, but that is a separate story...) decided to put some tape on it to hold it all together. Thank you for using the bright, reflective duct tape, Herc...ghetto racing stripes for the car are just how I wanted to ring in the new year!

I picked up Lolita (yes, that is my car's name - everyone should name their car!) from the auto body shop the day after Inauguration Day, only to discover she now needed new brakes. Ugh! Finally, she is home today and she is looking and running better than ever!