This morning, I sold my 1985 Chevrolet Cavalier to salvage. They offer $75 for a vehicle, or $50 if they need to come and collect the vehicle. The car had belonged to my Grandpa McGowan, and after he passed away, I was the next grandkid in line to have their driver's license, but no car. I bought this car in May 1995 for $100. (At the time, the Blue Book value of this car was $500.) I was a lifeguard that summer and being a Senior in High School later that Fall, I was grateful to get the car because my Dad probably would not have gotten around to finding a car for me, and I would have been driving Mom's blue Astro mini-van everywhere, leaving her with nothing.
Given the age of the car, I had to put a new starter on her, and four new tires. She was a good car up through the late '90s. Once she gave out, my Dad backed her into the barn, where she has been for the last ten years.
A bum from Bellflower was inquiring about the car. He wanted to buy it off of us so that he could have the headlights....yeah, and probably strip it of everything else. Do we want Grandpa's car sitting in his yard to rust away to nothing? I think not. So, Mom arranged for it to be picked up and sold to salvage. And I got $50. Not bad, considering I paid $100 thirteen years ago. =)
Had it been left up to my Dad, he would have taken it into salvage in Bloomington himself, whenever he got around to it....and how many more years would it have been before that happened? So, "Redneck Towing and Recycling" came and picked it up. Needless to say, they lived up to their company name!
Score one for the single gals! Happy Valentine's Day!

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