Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Celebrity Fit Club

During the middle of April, some of the people at work decided that we would have our own "Celebrity Fit Club" to motivate each other to loose weight. We all donated $25, and at the end of 12 weeks, whomever has lost the most percentage of body fat will win the money (which is about $250 total).

My first choice for my "celebrity persona" was Free Willie. However, animals were not an option. So, I decided to go with Ella Mitchell, whom you may recognize as "Big Momma" (Hattie Mae Pierce) from the movie Big Momma's House.

Other celebs include Oprah, Kirstie Alley, Queen Latifah and Walter Peyton. Most of us have made it up through six weeks. When we hit week seven, no one weighed in. The competition stopped at week seven for about three weeks.

This week we have collectively decided to start up again and have the final weigh in at the end of July. Time to get focused!

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