On my way into town this morning, I decided to stop at McDonalds and grab some breakfast. I am beginning to notice a pattern when going to the McDonalds in Mahomet. No one there seems to know how to use the drive through appropriately now that they have upgraded to the 2-Lane drive through. All over Champaign and other towns I have been to that have the 2-Lane drive through, consumers seem to know how to make it work for them. This is not the case in Mahomet.
Despite bright yellow lines and large arrows painted on the pavement to guide you through the drive through, cars just drive all over the place. I am not sure if it is a deep need to receive their food as quickly as possible or just confusion. Rather than forming one line and then deciding which lane to enter as you approach the ordering station, those using this particular McDonalds form two lines immediately. The directions are painted on the pavement! They are not waiting until they approach the fork in the road before choosing which path to take...they are creating two roads 300 feet before the "fork!"
How unsettling. This happens EVERY time I go to this McDonalds. Every time!
So here I am again this morning. I am following directions and staying in the single lane. Just as I am trying to decide which lane I would like to choose, a rusty FORD pick up truck drives around me and forms a new line behind the outer lane. I wanted that spot! Everyone knows the outside lane goes faster!
So now, I am stuck in the inside (slower) drive through lane. I am behind the ugliest tan, Astro mini-van that I have ever seen. Not only does the car appear to be from the late 1980's but so does the driver's hairstyle, glasses and outfit. This lady is SLOW. Her license plate says SHOW K9....what is that supposed to mean? Then I begin to wonder if she likes to show dogs in competitions. She seems like she'd be the type to show a dog that looked just like her. If that were the case, then she would have an afghan hound. Add glasses and tint the hair red, and you have Ms SHOW K9 herself!

Ten minutes have now passed and about four cars in the other lane have now successfully ordered their breakfast and have driven around to collect their food. It is then that I hear the driver ahead of me (Ms K9) ask the boy speaking to her what ingredients are in a skillet burrito. Then she begins asking if he likes it or if he thinks it is too spicy. Is this lady blind? There is a huge picture of a McSkillet Burrito right in front of her and it is so large that you can see in great detail exactly what is inside. Her daughter is now trying to shrink down in the front seat, as she is most likely mortified and embarrassed by her mother's questions. And these are not questions for the drive through...these are "inside" questions. Finally, she makes her selection, with special instructions, and we can all move along with our orders. Too bad it is nearly time for lunch!
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