Friday, May 30, 2008

Marking Your Territory

There is never a dull moment at the farm when you have an idiot dog around. Yes, I am talking about Bruno.

We had a visit from the Schwan's man, and although it was a substitute driver and someone whom Bruno has never met before, he was still elated when he heard the Schwan's truck pull up into our long driveway. Bruno ran outside, got his football, and waited excitedly for the man to emerge from the truck.

Our regular Schwan's man had to take the night off. Bruno dropped his ball and ran right over to the substitute driver and began sniffing his legs and walking circles around this guy. The man said that he had been around many dogs that evening. I could tell! And so could Bruno!

Just as I was ordering the ice cream, I see Bruno standing behind the Schwan's man, lifting his leg, and attempting to pee on him. I guess Bruno wanted to "mark" him as his own. How embarrassing! Luckily, Bruno had relieved himself in the yard just prior to our visit from the Schwan's man, so he didn't actually pee on his leg before I yelled at him to come over next to me. And this is the dog that has been to THREE training classes?!?! Nice manners, Brunster.

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