Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I went over to our friends' house tonight to play with the kids while their mom teaches catechisim classes at church. They were already playing out side when I arrived, so we took advantage of the fantastic weather until dinner (chicken nuggets and tater tots) was ready.

Anna will be three years old at the end of the summer. Patrick is one year old. They would go over to this section of the yard where there was a slight hill. And by hill I mean six inches. Anna would stand at the top of this "hill" and after counting to three, she would jump off of the hill and onto the level ground at the bottom. Patrick cannot say one or two, but he would shout "THREE!" when the time came and then he too would jump. Although, he mostly just walked off the stair-sized "hill" and then ran.

Kids are funny.
Oh to be young again...

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