Thursday, February 21, 2008

Five Random Thoughts

  1. Why is chap stick so easy to lose? I think I have around 5 tubes for the specific purpose of keeping one tube at each location where I spend a lot of know, so that I won't have to try to hunt some down when I need it. I used to have one at my desk at work, at my scrapbook table, in the car, in my purse and next to my alarm clock. They are all M.I.A.
  2. Wrapping presents is not always easy, especially when you are not using a box.
  3. Why is it every time that I am in a hurry, someone decides to drive ahead of me going only 45 mph? Not only are they going SLOW and under the posted speed limit, they are doing it on a road where I cannot easily pass them due to oncoming traffic, or a lot of hills. I wish I had a megaphone so that I could say to them, "Ahem...the pedal on the RIGHT is the accelerator. Please use it. Your other right! "
  4. I love the individual who invented the SNOOZE button! Another "ten minutes" can feel so good - even though it is a quick ten minutes.
  5. Sudoku puzzles are so addicting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello! what happened to the flip it comment book while driving?

here is a funny link i think you will enjoy...