Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Explantion of My Links...

I have wanted to add 'Links" to my blog for some time now, but I just didn't take the time to do it. And actually, I was more interested in getting the Archive set up. It was taking me forever to get that figured out! (I guess if I would have read the directions, I would have been able to do it right away, but...well....yeah.)

So the archiving was now easy and there was the link button right below it, so I added the following links to my blog. I added my sister's blog Elizabeth because I feel cool if I have more than just one or two links. She has not updated her blog in quite some time, and in fact, there may only be two entries....but it is there anyway.

I had to put Billy the Beagle's blog in my list of links because very few dogs are cool enough to actually possess his or her very own blog.

I listed St. Matthew's because this is where I go to church. And, if I want to know information quickly, or check out the bulletin on-line, then it is a quick jump over to their website as I am editing my own blog.

Baby Lucy is actually my neighbor's daughter. You see, my family and the Cole family have been neighbors for many years...maybe even 20 years. Jeremy is the second child in the Cole family, and Lucy is his beautiful daughter. I like babies, and Jeremy's wife Jessica does a great job keeping updates posted regularly. So, once again, this link is mostly for my own benefit because I can check to see what new and amazing things Lucy is doing easily.

The last blog I have listed in my Links belongs to a good friend of mine, Jeanette. In fact, she is the one that first got me started in this blogging thing, so it is only natural that I would want her blog among my very own link section. Jeanette is just a couple of months younger than me and she is the number one child of the Cole family. I took singing lessons and piano lessons from her mom and dad when I was younger, and I have been known to visit her a couple of times while she was out in DC. Now, we are neighbors once again, and whenever we have time, which isn't often enough, we get together and scrapbook. Jeanette is great. She has the most perfect reddish-blonde hair and the most beautiful voice I have ever heard in my life! If I had her voice, I would never stop singing! (Hmmm...perhaps that is why God did not give me such a beautiful voice...He knew people wouldn't want to hear me singing all of the time! Hehehehehe!)

The next link...probably the Paper Source. It is a great store that my Aunt Mary Ellen introduced me to. Hooray for scrapbooking!

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

I've been meaning to comment for a LONG time, but keep getting side-tracked. Now that you've gone and mentioned me in public, I guess I'll have to comment. :)

Your blog is great, by the way! You have a terrific sense of humor and I'm enjoying reading it.

I spent a little time scrapbooking last night. We need to get together again soon! Oh, and Jed is getting limited use of the scrapbook stuff you sent. I am keeping very close tabs on it 'cause I happen to like some of it, and because if I gave it to him all at once, there would be a trail from one end of the house to the other! He's our little pack rat.