Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I was able to have a play date today with one of my former day care kids.
Here are some pictures from our busy day...

A happy baby...even in the car!
I picked her up at FS and then we drove back to Bellflower.
(After stopping at McDonalds for breakfast, of course!)

I let her play with the "small" toy collection I have...I might
need to get a few more toys, don't ya think!?!

A typical kid, she is already fascinated by the telephone,
so we call Mommy at work to update her
about our very fun day so far!

I needed to make some cookies for a party on
Thursday night...she is the perfect assistant
in the kitchen! She adds the sugar...

...and then she adds the baking soda into the sifter
with our other dry ingredients. Good job, baby!

Lunch! She LOVES the Mac-N-Cheese! Says "Mmmm" after
every bite! She even eats her peas and shovels in her applesauce
by the handful. As for the ham...that went to the dog. Lucky you, Bruno.

She took a two hour nap from 1-3pm. Two hours!!!
I took advantage of this and baked those cookies.

After a diaper change and a snack, she had a piano lesson.
She loves the piano! This girl is ready to perform in public! She sounds GOOD!

I also took her downstairs to my scrapbook area. She colored her very own pictures. Then is was back to playing with the toys before it was time to head home to meet up with Mommy. What a terrific playdate!

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